Forming an Integrative Training Concept:

A case study of the training in psychotherapy integration


  • Jana Kostínková Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic) Author
  • Jan Roubal Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic Author


Integrative psychotherapy; training; action research; approaches to integration


The literature on the nature of integrative psychotherapy training is patchy with limited attention paid to how integrative elements are conceptualized and taught. This study aimed to explore the nature of how integrative psychotherapy understandings are nurtured by trainers. A collaborative action research process was engaged examining the work of one team of trainers in the Czech Republic via several sources of data: 1) a three-year-long e-mail correspondence between trainers; (2) recordings of trainer team meetings focusing on the training concept; (3) focus group interviews conducted by the first author before the training started; and (4) materials for professional accreditations. Data analysis was carried out using Atlas.ti qualitative analytical software and through dialogue between authors. Participants were provided with the analysis results so they could validate them and their feedback was incorporated into the final results. Findings revealed that the individual path to each trainer’s integration foreshadows subsequent teaching. Then within the team, a collaborative approach was taken to identify a common approach to integration and ways of nurturing a shared training identity. Hindering factors were also identified recognizing how doubts about integration are balanced by stabilizing factors such as the use of the accreditation process and emphasis on an approach of dialogue, humility and openness.

Author Biographies

  • Jana Kostínková, Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic)

    Jana Kostínková is a psychologist, psychotherapist and a researcher. She teaches psychology and psychotherapy at Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic). Her research focus is psychotherapy integration and trainings in psychotherapy integration in particular. Jana currently works in a private psychotherapy practice. She is also a trainer for the Training in Psychotherapy Integration and she is engaged in organizing psychotherapy conferences, including the EAIP conference in Prague (2018).

  • Jan Roubal, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic

    Jan Roubal, MD, PhD, is an associate professor at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, where he also works in the Center for Psychotherapy Research. He works as a psychotherapist and psychiatrist. He founded and leads the Training in Psychotherapy Integration and the training Gestalt Studia in the Czech Republic. He also works as a psychotherapy trainer and supervisor internationally. Jan chairs the Research Committee of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy. He co-edited three books ‘Current Psychotherapy’Gestalt Therapy in Clinical Practice. From Psychopathology to the Aesthetics of Contact’ and ‘Towards a Research Tradition in Gestalt Therapy’






How to Cite

Forming an Integrative Training Concept:: A case study of the training in psychotherapy integration. (2018). European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 8, 13-22.

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